Bespoke Placenta Painting


Inspired by your unique experience; Commemorating, ritualizing, + bringing your placenta back to you.

This isn’t your typical commission or a simple print that you’re ordering!

It’s an energy + heart exchange. You’re sharing parts of your story — and yourself — with me. With care and honor, I hold that. I meditate and reflect on it, channeling that into colors and brushstrokes and creating a re-imagined depiction of your placenta.

I’ll ship you the painting with a unique title, and it’s yours once again. To frame, or to squirrel away, or perhaps to forget and revisit whenever you need to.

Your painting will be informed by the richness of your story, flecked with the complexity of emotions and unknown. But it will also be a surprise to you, and even to me. Things aren’t always as they seem, and our stories are always holograms of meaning.

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